The Season So Far

As we head into December and a busy holiday season, there’s a cautious optimism as the kiters and windsurfers yet again enjoy the burgeoning north wind, off-roaders explore arroyos and remote trails while restaurants swell in numbers – all in a controlled manner. In fact, as town gets busier – it’s reassuring to see that it’s largely being done in a responsible way. Every establishment is implementing protocols as enforced by federal and state authorities, and visitors and locals are observing social distancing, mask wearing and hand washing.

Yes COVID-19 is everywhere, but that can’t stop the community of Los Barriles doing what it does best in its playground that offers entertainment for all – for those that love it’s peaceful mountains; its endless sandy roads to nowhere; the glistening shores of the Sea of Cortez or the charming bars that nestle on its beaches… it captures our heart.

We look forward to welcoming you – albeit with compassion for others in mind during these unprecedented times.

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